
Inthislengthytutorialyouwilllearnalltheskillsonhowtotakeanyphotoandturnitintoabeautifulandprofessionalproductmockuptemplate.,HowtocreateamockupinPhotoshop.·Step1:Setupyourfoldersforaneasyeditingworkflow.·Step2:OpenandcropyourimagesinPhotoshop.·Step3:Add ...,Thethingyoulookingforisperspectiveplacementusingthewarptool.Ifyouusethosetermsyoushouldfindtutorialsexplainingit.,StepOne:·StepTwo:Drawyou...

How to Make a Mockup in Photoshop

In this lengthy tutorial you will learn all the skills on how to take any photo and turn it into a beautiful and professional product mockup template.

Make a realistic, high-quality product mockup in Photoshop

How to create a mockup in Photoshop. · Step 1: Set up your folders for an easy editing workflow. · Step 2: Open and crop your images in Photoshop. · Step 3: Add ...

How to manually make mockup on Photoshop?

The thing you looking for is perspective placement using the warp tool. If you use those terms you should find tutorials explaining it.

The Easy Way to Create Product Mockups in Photoshop

Step One: · Step Two: Draw your shape · Step Three: Convert your shape to a Smart Object · Step Four: Adjust the perspective · Step Five: Drop in your image · Step ...

How To Create Realistic Product Mockups in Photoshop (Full Tutorial)

Using Adobe Photoshop to create realistic product mock-ups which can be used as template mock-ups for rebranding, redesigning and applying ...


有時當你需要展示作品比其他人嘅時候,如果可以製作模型,比起淨係一張圖更加令人明白究竟發生咩事!所以今日教大家一個非常常用,亦都係非常有用嘅三 ...

How to create a Mockup in Photoshop for Beginners!

How to Use The Pen Tool In Photoshop: In this tutorial, I will show you how to Create a Realistic Mockup in ...


3:54 · Go to channel · Create Mockup with This New Warp CYLINDER Option in Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial ... How to put your Logo on to Mock ups!


當我們設計出許多商標,有時候想要製作3D mockup 示意圖,對客戶提案時可以迅速達到共識,透過Photoshop內建的免費範本,我們就可以快速製作出精美的模擬 ...